So since the last time I wrote a lot has happened.
I slept for approx. 16 hours after arriving which meant that Friday was more enjoyable.
On Friday I went shopping with Ailsa and bought all the random things one needs to live, such as a mobile phone sim card, new shoes etc...
The shopping centre in Lower Hutt is amazing, it's like the St James centre in Edinburgh + the Eastgate in Inveness. Execpt there is no shops that i recognise except MacDonalds and burger king hehe.
On Saturday being more fully awake I once again went shopping this time on my own and just wandered the centre, taking in all the wonderful shops... I hope over my time here I will get to spend a lot of time there as I have already picked out all my friends and family's Christmas presents. I also bought myself a beautiful watch because it was rather awkward not having one and trying to adjust to a new time.
Sunday was the most busy day but the most enjoyable. I went to all three services that the church had so that I could get a sense of what the church was like and I loved all three.
This is the best annalysis I can give of them is:
Service one- Mainly for the older generation with hymns and Psalms. The preaching was fantastic. There was a random gospel choir that sang like Sister Act, the minister commented also that this was what they reminded him of.
Service two- There is an adults service but the kids church runs alongside it. This is the one that I attended as I believe I will be spending the most time here. It was amazing, the best way I can describe it is that it is exactly like Holiday Club just with a little more personalisation such a birthday box and service prizes as people attend more often. I spent the morning observing, wandering around the groups, meeting leaders, chatting to the kids, trying to learn the dance moves to the kids songs. It was just lovely to be a part of and I cant wait to be a part of it.
Service three- Was similar to Impact cafe, it was held in the church cafe and had acoustic music and there was discussion instead of a sermon. This was a really nice service and felt the most normal and homely to me.
In amongst this we had a bbq for lunch at the house where the hockey team that Nigel coaches and their families came for lunch. This was soo mcuh fun as it was my first BBQ in NZ. Was really nice to meet more people and to spend time getting to know the Pollocks :)
So today is Monday morning and I'm not sure exactly what the day holds but i will let you all know soon...
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